In my last post, I mentioned One if not the biggest problem, Social Media Managers and encounters (CONTENT CREATION). Due to lack of STRATEGIC PLANNING and good TIME MANAGEMENT.
The benefits of Social Media management to both personal and business brands are immeasurable, and are such that cannot be over-emphasized…

As a Social Media Manager, You have to explore the net, stay informed on the latest trends and online opportunities, and learn new things
Allows you to network, connect with new people, and reconnect with the old ones as well both within and outside your nitch
You sell yourself on a daily to potential clients, and brands, and of course reach a wider audience
As a Social Media Manager, one if not the biggest problem easily encountered is “CONTENT CREATION”
Yet this is something we all live and do every day without even realizing it, but that’s a discussion for another day 😂
I hear a lot of people complain about their inability to Complete tasks, Meet deadlines, or even have time for Personal life and family due to WORK
Well, there’s only one problem here!
Naturally, I love and do research a lot, but that alone can’t help me achieve results in my job
Common skills like STRATEGIC PLANNING and TIME MANAGEMENT make my job way easier.
If you’ve had difficulties in any of the above as a Social Media Manager, I’m sure you know the problem already, and how to tackle it…

Now, let’s take a walk, and I’ll share with you all today, how I create my content without much hassle.
> I calculate the number of posts I want to post for the week, Social Media platforms.
> Highlight my posts (Sales, Value, and so on)
> I write my content ideas
> Once done, I move to create my visuals using already saved templates
> After bulk-creating my content, the next thing is post-scheduling.
Now with this, I already have my contents for the week taken care of.
It gives me enough time to focus more on other things like Analytics, Engagements, Copies, Reports, etc.
I will love to hear your ideas and strategies too. Please drop them in the comment section.